Peachtree City Wrongful Death Lawyer

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Peachtree City Wrongful Death Attorney

Dealing with the aftermath of a wrongful death can be one of the most traumatic situations you ever have to endure. You may feel betrayed, resentful, and desperate for justice. A wrongful death case occurs when someone’s negligent or malicious actions directly cause a person’s death. Without closure or justice, it can be difficult for surviving families to move past such a tragedy. A Peachtree City wrongful death lawyer can help you seek financial compensation in civil court.

best peachtree city wrongful death lawyer

Wrongful Death in Georgia

As you struggle with your wrongful death case, having an experienced lawyer by your side can make all the difference. Hiring the right lawyer may be the most important decision you make for your case. The last thing you want is to be unprepared to deal with a situation with such high stakes for you and your family. Having a lawyer handle the details of your case allows you more time to focus on grieving and being there for your family during this trying time.

While it is true that no amount of financial compensation can ever truly make this situation right for you, it can feel somewhat liberating to hold the right people accountable in court. Filing a wrongful death claim is like filing a personal injury claim on behalf of the deceased, as that’s what they may have done had they survived their injuries.

Wrongful death claims are a civil matter, not a criminal one. The goal isn’t to send the responsible party to prison. It’s to find them liable for damages.

Proving Negligence

Proving a wrongful death can be a difficult process, especially since you are required to prove that negligence was a significant factor in the case. Sometimes, it may be painfully obvious that someone’s negligence caused your loved one’s death, but proving it is a completely different matter.

An experienced wrongful death lawyer can help you prove the elements of negligence in your case, which include:

  • The defendant owed the deceased an expected duty of care to some degree.
  • The defendant’s negligent actions breached that duty.
  • That breach of duty directly caused the wrongful death.
  • You and your family suffered emotional and financial damages due to that death.

Statute of Limitations

If you decide to move forward with legal action against the people responsible for your loved one’s death, it is vital to your case that you adhere to the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Peachtree City, Georgia, including wrongful death claims. Generally, as per statute of limitations you have two years from the date of the wrongful death to establish grounds for your claim, build up a strong enough case, gather evidence that supports your claim, speak to a lawyer, and file a claim for damages.

If you are unable to file a claim before two years have passed, you may have to accept that your case will not move forward. It will likely be thrown out, and your chance to pursue damages will pass without legal action being taken.

Building a strong wrongful death case may not be easy, and it could take a lot of time, so you may want to consider building your own as soon as you can. If you are worried your case isn’t strong enough, speak with an injury lawyer about an evaluation.

Wrongful Death FAQs

Q: How Much Is the Average Wrongful Death Settlement in Georgia?

A: There is no telling how much the average wrongful death settlement might be in Georgia. Every wrongful death case is different, with each case having its own details and factors that make each individual case a different experience for all involved. A case similar to yours may result in a hefty settlement, but that doesn’t automatically mean yours will, too. Factors like the evidence that proves negligence and your lawyer’s negotiation skills can influence your case.

Q: What Are the Chances of Winning a Wrongful Death Case?

A: The chances of winning a wrongful death case depend entirely on the details of your case. If you have a significant amount of evidence that proves negligent behavior or intentional malicious wrongdoing, you may have a much higher chance of success in your case. It all comes down to being able to prove your claim with sufficient evidence and a strong case.

Q: What Is Considered Wrongful Death in Georgia?

A: In Georgia, a death that results from another person’s negligent or malicious misconduct is considered a wrongful death. In a wrongful death case, the deceased’s family can take legal action against the responsible party and hold them accountable in civil court. If the case is successful, the defendant may be ordered to pay damages to the deceased’s family for emotional distress, lost wages, and medical expenses, among other damages.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer for a Wrongful Death Claim?

A: Technically, you are not required to hire a lawyer for a wrongful death claim, but it is highly recommended that you do so for such an important legal matter. There’s a strong chance the defendant will have their own lawyer, and the last thing you want is to go up against a seasoned lawyer in court. Having someone by your side who is experienced and understands the stakes can only benefit you and your claim in the long run.

Contact a Wrongful Death Lawyer Today

Trying to handle the emotional fallout of a wrongful death can be an upsetting experience to deal with, especially if you are on your own with no legal help. You may not know exactly what to do or where to start to file a wrongful death claim. An experienced lawyer can help you figure out your next steps and work to hold the right people accountable for what happened.

The legal team at Trammell & White knows the most effective ways to prepare a wrongful death case for you. We can help you build up your case, gather evidence, and make sure you aren’t taken advantage of at any point. Contact us to speak with someone about how we can help you.

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